domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2012

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint - Vocabulary Part


Reduce your carbon footprint
1.       Read the text.

Consider the environmental impacts of:     
·    the energy used in your home
·    the way you travel
·    the food you eat
  Do everything you can to reduce your carbon footprint and not only will you be making less of an impact on the environment, but you will probably find that you will also save money and lead a more healthy lifestyle.

Other things you can do
Here’s a list of other simple things you can do that will help reduce your carbon footprint by 10 per cent:
·    insulate your home
·    turn down your central heating by one degree
·    use energy efficient lighting and appliances
·    try not to fly. Choosing to forgo even one flight a year can significantly reduce your overall carbon footprint.
·    car share
·    ride your bike for short journeys
·    eat local, seasonal, fresh, unprocessed food
·    reduce the amount of waste you produce and re-use or recycle as much as you can
·    whenever you buy something, go for the most eco-friendly option
Prepare for the impacts of climate change
Even if we stop all greenhouse gas emissions tomorrow we will experience climate change for another 30-40 years. In the UK we need to be prepared for more frequent floods, droughts and heatwaves.
Protect your home from floods
The environment Agency is the leading organisation for flooding in the UK. We can help you to prepare for a flood and if you sign up to our free flood warning service, when a flood is likely to happen we will let you know about it.
Insulate your home
Home insulation in your walls and your loft not only reduces the amount of energy you need to heat your house, it will help to keep your home cool if there is a heat wave.
Improve your water efficiency

Using water efficiently in your home saves water being taken out of the environment and so reduces the risk of drought. If you are able to harvest rainwater and recycle grey water this will make your home and garden more resilient during water shortages. (Check Speaking part for more info.)
Help protect the environment
 The water that comes out of your tap is taken from natural stores of water underground (known as groundwater) or from rivers (often via reservoirs). There is enough water available for people and the environment under normal circumstances, but we must all be responsible in the way we use water. Taking too much from groundwater and rivers will harm the environment. Therefore we should only use the water we need, and not waste it.


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